The Nokia Series 40 Theme Studio is a PC-based tool for creating themes for compatible Series 40 devices. The Theme Studio allows themes to be created, viewed, and compared before being packaged for distribution. Theme packages can be downloaded to compatible devices over the air (OTA) or using supported messaging or PC Connectivity options.
In addition, icons and operator name can be added or removed for further verification. Using the scratch pad area, multiple themes can be created, compared and saved one at a time. It is also possible to reopen a theme for further development. The tool lets the developer add a ring tone to the theme and give the theme a name. The created theme packages can be downloaded to compatible handsets using methods supported by both the handsets and the PC (bluetooth, IrDa, Cable) or over the air (OTA).
The Nokia Series 40 Theme Studio 1.2
The Nokia Series 40 Theme Studio 1.2 is compatible with Nokia Series 40 UI themes 1.2 supporting phones. Please refer to Handset Guidelines 1.2 for detailed information: Nokia 3220 phone, Nokia 3155 phone, Nokia 5140i phone, Nokia 6020 phone, Nokia 6021 phone, Nokia 6030 phone, Nokia 6060 phone, Nokia 6070 phone, Nokia 6101 phone, Nokia 6102 phone, Nokia 6103 phone, Nokia 6155 phone, Nokia 6170 phone, Nokia 6230i phone, Nokia 7260 phone, Nokia 7270 phone, Nokia 7280 phone, Nokia 7380 phone, Nokia 7360 phone, Nokia 8800 phone.
Datasheet for more details
Download a datasheet of Series 40 Theme Studio 1.2 for full details.
The Nokia Series 40 Theme Studio 2.2The Nokia Series 40 Theme Studio 2.2 is compatible with phones supporting theme technology version 2.0. Please refer to Handset Guidelines and datasheet for detailed information.
Datasheet for more details
Download a datasheet of Series 40 Theme Studio 2.2 for full details.
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