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brings you success in exams

Tips to keep in mind:

• Research into the cause of assimilation and application of knowledge. It is much easier this way to force himself to remember.

• Apply the learning to their daily lives.

Be consistent, time out each day to study. Set a realistic timetable for study and stick to it.

• All study and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so I have time free to play with them (after studying).

Think about what you do! What happens if I do not study? I may fail. My parents and teachers complain. What happens if I do well? My parents are joy! I encouraged my friends. Use them as motivation to study factors.

If you are unclear about a topic, ask your teachers, parents or friends. Clear what questions you have about the problem as soon as possible. Do not be afraid to ask.

Do your homework. If in doubt, ask.

Are the documents of the previous year, the exam.

Form a working group and the study with friends.

Be positive. Treat every failure as a learning experience, a stepping stone to higher ground. Thomas Edison many times before inventing the light bulb.

Write your notes. An overview of your teacher (or teacher) nuts. Summary of the handbook. Tools to use include the mind-mapping techniques.

Have friends who are good at a subject to teach.

Eat well and drink plenty of water.

• Success is 99% perspiration and 1% intelligence.


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