There has been much discussion of the existance of D.U.M.B.s Deep Underground Military Bases being a reality not a fantasy. Well now there is hard evidence that exposes this ultra-top secret program. This clip shows in great detail this is not a science fiction story but a reality. With a great array of pictures and images of various kinds it is revealed the inner works of this program. Through out the 8:00 minute film the photos are complete and very exact in what they represent. This project D.U.M.Bs even with it's unusual name is not for the common citizen but exclusively to harvest the special interests of the elite of the world. The elite few have set out in a form of separation of the
chosen ones to the common citizen left behind. Plans to house citizens in FEMA based camps are also perpetuated behind the scenes by groups such as the Bilderbergs and the Illuminati
Something is underway and is planned in the near future. This film clip discusses the New World Order's plan and why these bases are important in carrying out this agenda.
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