I downloaded this ebook trilogy collection on 7/23/11 and have found the same inconsistent font defect as other reviewers. I noticed that the font would suddenly change when beginning a new chapter or if I returned to the page I was reading after viewing a highlight or dictionary defintion.
And like another reviewer, I have also found that once I passed page 377 (the actual page 377 is the cover of the second book in the trilogy, Catching Fire), the trilogy always indicates that I am on page 377 of 379, even though I am well beyond that page, and it is clear from the final location number that there are obviously more than 379 pages in this collection of three books. The locations, however, do seem to track properly.
Although these formatting defects are not dealbreakers and I really enjoyed the books, they are annoying (with the ever-changing font size being the more annoying of the two). I hope the publisher will fix these defects and reissue a corrected version.
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