Affiliate promotion provides you the ability to earn money affiliate promotion with articles. Merchants pay you a set percentage of the sale cost each time you make a sale. There's plenty of methods that you can use to accomplish this & an overview of method called editorial promotion follows.
Editorial promotion in its simplest form is the writing of articles that you place in editorial directories as a way of finding buyers. If a buyer reads the editorial, clicks on an affiliate link in the editorial, then buys the product or service you can earn money.
Some editorial directories do not permit links that take the reader directly to the sale page of the product or service. In this case you must establish a webpage called a landing page that provides the reader with more knowledge about the product or service. From the landing page the customer can then get to the merchants page by clicking on the associates link. One time again, if the customer purchases from the merchant page, you will earn money.
There's immense benefits to editorial promotion. Editorial promotion is free which allows someone to take a stab at affiliate promotion to give it a try. In addition, plenty of articles will earn their positions in the search engines & maintain them for weeks, months or even years. Ideally this will provide you the ability to earn money long term as new customers find the articles over time.
If so I can help you learn everything you need to know to be a success as an affiliate marketer. Click Affiliate Promotion [] to find the final source of knowledge on affiliate promotion & editorial promotion in particular. Visit [] to discover a virtually limitless supply of knowledge that will teach you everything you need to know about affiliate promotion.
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