Small business owners often involve your audience in B2B or B2C. For those tired of the acronym, it stands for business to business or between businesses and consumers. In recent years the new kid on the block O2o. This means that online and offline marketing material to feed very powerful.
The real mojo is behind the concept O2o their online activities as the center of their marketing. As John Jantsch explains in his latest edition of Duct Tape Marketing: "The Web and digital interactivity now represent the center of the universe of marketing". So now a small business needs more than a brochure website. Small businesses need a solid core of online content and communication radios with a total web presence to create. Each outpost line, the translation of the work online experience to the sales and service easier. The stage line can be as simple as a telephone consultation or face to face interaction. This applies to both merchants and professionals based services.
Even if a prospect starts with an online experience at first, it is probably running on the Web in some way to validate and investigate their first impression. Online content has to answer the question: "Can you solve my problem?" If your website is mediocre and has no outposts to support what makes you different, the perspective is just clicks away from a competitor.
O2o concept is demonstrated by the success of Groupon for local businesses. In a TechCrunch blog post, "The key is that the online consumer O2o and places them in the real world stores, O2o Groupon for local companies in the social sector to facilitate the same article says:". FedEx can not deliver social experiences, such as restaurants, bars, yoga, dance, sailing, tennis lessons, or a stick, but Groupon does. "
This is bigger than traditional advertising because it can measure online transactions and try different marketing messages to improve as it comes without the bias of a focus group or waste of gambling with "flavor of the week."
In the center of O2o is important to its strategy to focus on a core of strong online presence that also connects to places full of value to help guide your customers a simple, no problems buying through last interaction with your business online
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